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Mental & Emotional Fitness Begins Here…
Over the last year or so, there have been some big operational shifts to my work. A debilitating condition, now resolved, slowed things down to such a degree, it seemed that I may be in a permanent torpor! However, good news! Recovery is assured and I so look forward to supporting clients once again.
The business name changed too and is now Mind-Power – “mental and emotional fitness begins here”.

In December 2022, I added Clinical Hypnotherapy to our services. The integration of NLP, (Neurolinguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy and Reiki pack; a powerful trilogy of mental and emotional and physical empowerment at several levels.
Reiki as many will know, is an ‘energy medicine’ working on the complex but scientifically evidenced energy centres of the body known as Meridians. Having the acknowledgement and approbation of cell biologists, such as the astounding Bruce Lipton PH.D. Famous for his teaching style and lectures and books; (treat yourself to ‘The Biology of Belief’ ) for a thorough scientific evaluation of energy and vibrational frequency healing methods and the impact on the trillions of cells in the body.

Reiki, sometimes known as the ‘energy medicine’.
By the same token, Dr. Lipton deals with the power of the unconscious mind in shifting genetic patterns that impact on what we believe about ourselves and the world, (known as epigenetics) and the almost instantaneous changes that experiencing hypnotherapy can bring. Alongside is NLP founded by two extraordinary men, Richard Bandler and John Grinder and of course the UK Grandfather of NLP, Ian McDermott and Founder of International Teaching Seminars, under whose skill and gift, I learned this wonderful art.
NLP enables a complete transformation of the structure of unhelpful thoughts that underpin long held values and beliefs that can and do create obstructions in life. Unless addressed, these ways of thinking and being remain hidden under old and outdated mental templates that will not shift spontaneously. NLP assures a change of direction to better coherence both mentally, emotionally and physically.

With interests so widely varied in previous posts and articles, we are homing in on these three to bring to everyone and anyone with the desire to release limiting beliefs, eliminate unhelpful feelings and memories from past events that no longer serve, effective and simple ways to just feel better about life with all it’s different hues of difficulty and challenge.
Good nutrition, healthy soil and healthy affordable homes are still a passion and will be an integral part of my own work and life path, unfolding in time during my unhurried and steady journey.
If you’d like to find out more about how Neurolinguistic programming can help you, please drop me a message at or alternatively you can book an appointment HERE – I’d love the opportunity to reignite your positive thoughts and negate those limiting beliefs.

“I so look forward to supporting clients once again”